While all respondents are using content marketing in some form, the majority so far are doing so without a real plan in place. Many of them have made good progress, but lack of a plan puts them at risk of not achieving the results they hope for. Generating more leads or reducing the cost/lead was the most common response. You would think "That would be worth developing a plan for." Won't you need it when you brag about your success or defend your efforts?Social Media ChannelsLack of a plan has not stopped companies from engaging (or trying) on social media channels. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and a blog seem equally popular. YouTube (the world's 2nd most popular search engine) is less common. It does take a little more effort to create a video. In a future post I will share options to make informative, engaging videos without breaking the bank.
Customer Buying Decisions: Logic or Emotion?One thing that respondents were consistent on was the idea that their customers make buying decisions solely or mostly on a logical fit for their needs. Half of those acknowledge an emotional component in the decision. I would be interested to get your comments on this. Of course, more responses to the survey will give a clearer picture of how businesses think their prospects make buying decisions in the life sciences.Marketing Automation and Content ProductionSurprisingly few of the respondents are using marketing automation tools such as Marketo, Hubspot or Eloqua. Overall, the results so far indicate that more bandwidth for content production is something that many life science marketers need, regardless of whether they are using automation or not.
Thank you to all who participated. You can find the complete survey results in the Words 2 Wow Content Library, along with resources to get your planning started.If you are without a content marketing plan and see a chance to get ahead of the competition, contact me.