How Does C&EN Promote Content?
Creating great content does nothing if no one sees it. Sondra Hadden is responsible for audience development at Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN). C&EN creates editorial content for the weekly magazine of the American Chemical Society as well as sponsored content for brands through BrandLab.
In this episode, Sondra talks about how they promote content from both sources through email, social media and retargeting campaigns.
In the realm of social, she reminds us not to put all the eggs in one basket and be clear about the difference between platforms you own and those you don't.
We talked a bit about retargeting campaigns. Sondra described a LinkedIn advertising campaign (expensive) that may only get a few leads for an email list, for example.By driving readers to the website tagged with a remarketing pixel, you can continue to show those people banners for other valuable content and increase the conversion rate, bringing cost/lead down.
She also provided valuable advice about block lists for retargeting to ensure your ads don't show up on sites not compatible with your brand.
Email is still very powerful. A/B tests of subject lines show that, at least for the C&EN audience, a question may not perform as well as a statement.
About My Guest …
Sondra Hadden is a digital marketer for a DC based membership association, and focuses on both marketing solutions for advertisers of their weekly publication, Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN), as well as reader engagement and audience development for the magazine’s audience.