Saving Money in Your Event Budget
For most life science companies, I’m pretty sure the event budget makes up the biggest fraction of the total marcom budget. Sometimes it’s over half. If you are producing or hosting the event, such as a road show or user group meeting, you need to know where you can negotiate to save a bunch of moolah.
There are hidden charges everywhere. Some of these you can get rid of and some you can’t. And not every city is the same.
Bonni Scepkowski of Stellar Meetings and Events described some of the things you are likely spending too much on and what to do differently.
Listen to this episode and learn about:
Water and Coffee
“Resort” Fees
Power strips and extension cords
Service charges and…
The mysterious Plus Plus. -What the heck is that?
Top Ten Reasons Your Marketing Budget Imploded (Plus a bonus tip!)
About My Guest …
Bonni Scepkowski is the President and Chief Strategy Officer of Stellar Meetings and events. She specializes in events for life science companies. This is her second visit to LSMR. We previously talked about putting on outstanding customer loyalty events.