How Culture Drives Marketing Tactics at New England Biolabs
The three pillars of corporate culture at New England Biolabs are passion for science, humility and being genuine. Those ideas influence the marketing tactics employed throughout the Customer Journey.
In this episode Andy Bertera, Executive Director of Marketing and Sales at NEB, shares some examples. NEB will happily provide support to scientists even if they are not a customer. They believe in supporting science broadly. And you never know who might become a customer and found their own company down the road. Playing the long game is the hallmark of NEB’s marketing.
At the same time NEB is using data to better serve the customer without losing the human touch. When possible, they combine internal data (product purchases, web visits etc.) with external data (journal publications, for example) to build a customer profile. From this they can better serve the customer when they need support and provide more relevant information to each customer in their marketing.
While many simple questions that come in to customer support could be handled by a bot, they have made the decision so far to not go in that direction. They are however trying out Amazon Alexa to answer questions about enzyme cut sites and protocols. Andy says the feedback has been positive, although not everyone likes Alexa, as you can imagine. NEB is interested in finding out if they can add a data point for how some customers like to learn.
About My Guest …
Andy Bertera is the Executive Director of Marketing and Sales at New England Biolabs.